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Midterm Presentation Feedback: Issues solved

Aktualisiert: 30. Apr. 2020

1. Use Cases included in SRS: (links of those Use Cases are included - also USD was updated),

2. Make feature-files accessible: (look into specific Use Case documents)

3. cumulative diagramm: has to be done in workflow, not done in status ( I will create one more (next week) and then post them on the Dashboard - they should both be there by mid-may)

4. gantt-chart is missing: Well, am way too exhausted now to create it properly: unfortuntely I am not able to pin it down to a specific week (my impression is, that it randomly picks the end-date):

( I will create one more (next week) and then post them on the Dashboard - they should both be there by mid-may)

6. software architecture document not there: created as pdf

7. SAS-> 3.6 include the technology stack (yes, is included by now)

Peer Review Comments:

Future collaboration of me and Rama (included in the first path - we can narrow it down orally):

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Final Exam

Deployment & Tools: Burndown-Charts

Deployment CI and Techstack

Testing: + Python django.test and Python unittest + Jenkins + Gherkins Development: + HTML + Plain JavaScript/jQuery + CSS/Bootstrap + Plain Python/Python Django + Github Deployment: + django


download from git-repo clear your whole server from any type of apache or other Web-Server-deployments currently running make sure your deployment server is running the latest version of python instal

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