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Aktualisiert: 26. Dez. 2019

We are using the Django MVT-Framework (similar to MVC). Why: because we can use Python throughout the whole framework which happens to be one of the leading languages preferably used to compute stats. Thus there will be less difficulities working with the model and controller.

Only difference of MVT and MVC is that the MVC is a broad understanding of the architecture while the T stands for Template (in Python Django) and is described as follows:

Template: A template consists of static parts of the desired HTML output as well as some special syntax describing how dynamic content will be inserted.

Aktuelle Beiträge

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Final Exam

Deployment & Tools: Burndown-Charts

Deployment CI and Techstack

Testing: + Python django.test and Python unittest + Jenkins + Gherkins Development: + HTML + Plain JavaScript/jQuery + CSS/Bootstrap + Plain Python/Python Django + Github Deployment: + django


download from git-repo clear your whole server from any type of apache or other Web-Server-deployments currently running make sure your deployment server is running the latest version of python instal

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